Other features

Configuration table

FieldDefault valueOptionsDescription
tokenstringjoplin web server token
baseUrlhttp://localhost:41184stringThe base path of the joplin web service
deleteConfirmtruebooleanWhether to remind when deleting
sortNotesfalsebooleanWhether to sort notes.
sortNotesTypealphabeticalType of sorting notes.
alphabeticalSort notes by alphabetical order of its Title property.
defaultDefault Joplin order (whatever that is).
sortOrderascOrder of sorting notes (asc or desc)
asc'asc': ascending order
desc'desc': descending order (reverse)
languageenglishThe language displayed by the plugin, follow VSCode
zhSimple Chinese

Hot key

  • f2: Rename notes or directories
  • delete: delete notes or directories
  • ctrl+alt+u: upload pictures from clipboard
  • ctrl+alt+e: upload image from file chooser
  • ctrl+alt+shift+e: add attachments from the file selector
  • ctrl+j ctrl+o: search notes, default to show the 20 most recently modified notes
  • ctrl+j ctrl+i: create attachment
  • ctrl+j ctrl+m: manage tabs
  • ctrl+j ctrl+l: show attached resources for the current note

Editing attachments

Since the click-to-jump feature in the vscode editor is often problematic, a feature has been implemented since v0.7.8 to display a list of current note attachments for quick editing of specified attachment resources, with the default shortcut ctrl+j ctrl+l


Paste the image

After v0.1.7 the image paste function has been added, you can upload images to Joplin and paste links to VSCode via right-click menu, command or shortcut.

  1. ctrl+alt+u to paste the image from clipboard
  2. ctrl+alt+e Use file manager to select the image to paste


Add attachment

After v0.1.10 the ability to add attachments has been added, so you can add files as attached resources to Joplin notes via commands or shortcuts.

  1. ctrl+alt+shift+e Select the file to be added as an attachment

Create attachment

After v0.3.0 right-click to create an attachment resource is implemented, mainly for quickly creating and adding a mind map (powered by Baidu Brain Map) or flowchart (powered by draw.io).

Manage Tags

After v0.3.0, the command is > Joplin: Manage tags, and the default shortcut is ctrl+j ctrl+m to bring up the checkbox.

Create tags

Create tags is supported after v0.3.0, the command is > Joplin: Create tag.

You can see Copy link in the right click menu on the note, click it to copy to clipboard.

Link notes

Use Ctrl+Click to open to other notes.