joplin api

API documentationopen in new window, Joplin official documentopen in new window


Joplin api's js package, written in ts, provides a complete type definition, including all currently exposed api in the document.

Quick Start

import { config, noteApi } from 'joplin-api'

config.baseUrl = ''
config.token = '***'
const res = await noteApi.list()

More examples reference: in new window

API Reference

eventApievent-related api, such as getting note modification history
folderApiDirectory-related api, such as getting directory tree
folderExtApiDirectory extension api, such as mobile directory
joplinApijoplin basic api, such as checking whether joplin web service is open
noteActionApiNote-related action api, such as opening a note in an external editor
noteApiNote related api, such as getting the content of the note
noteExtApiNote extension api, such as renaming
resourceActionApiResource action api, such as opening an attachment resource in an external editor
resourceApiResource-related api, such as uploading pictures
searchApiSearch related api
tagApiTag related api, such as modifying the tag of a note
configGlobal joplin web clipper configuration
PageUtilPaging-related static tools, such as getting the full list of notes

Conventional name

  • Use class to encapsulate API, for example note related API is encapsulated in NoteApi class.
  • Keep the same naming for the same function meaning. For example, the note list is NoteApi.list. The following is a complete comparison table
Get by idgetnoteApi.get
  • There are some special cases, such as APIs involving multiple entities, the naming is generally operation entity + by + according to entity, for example, the API to get the tag list according to the note id is noteApi.tagsById